Monday, August 13, 2012


Just a follow up that I finally made fish last night. Talk about procrastinating my weekly goal huh!? It was delicious.

I ended up trying this with my garden's green beans.

This week my goal is to exercise everyday. Last week I didn't feel very well and only exercised once. Today I went to a kickboxing class and it felt really good to be active.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dinner can be a challenge

Dinner has not been the most exciting thing lately. I feel like we've had a few too many repeats this past month and way too much CHICKEN! I am challenging myself (and anyone else who is willing) to try something new this week. Hopefully it will incorporate something you need a little more of in your diet. For me, I have decided to attempt fish. I've struggled to eat fish all my life. Maybe because I grew up in the Nevada dessert. It just wasn't really a staple for us. I used to say I was allergic to fish. But as I've grow I've tried to eat fish more and have found that usually I actually like it. Fish is a great heart healthy protein option. The American Heart Association recommends we consume 2 servings of fish per week. Well I probably get zero on most weeks. I occasionally have a tuna fish sandwich which is a great option but I would like to branch out from the tuna. For some reason a lot of people think fish is a scary thing to cook. But I've discovered that you will never be good at something that you have never tried and also that practice makes perfect brings great improvement! So, my new fishy recipe to try this week is:

I chose it because it doesn't look too hard and I have most the ingredients on hand. I've had this tilapia in my freezer for a while! I plan to use the side it suggests, cilantro lime green beans (from my garden! yum!) and maybe some brown rice. If you decide to take on this challenge, PLEASE share your recipe and how it went! I'd love to find some new recipes ideas!